Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Your house , your bubble!

Lately, i don't know how but its a coincidence! I've been helping my friends in their new house or new rooms.. some are moving to a new house and other is redecorating his room! so almost 60% of our chats while having coffee or lunch or even on the phone is either discussing wallpapers or lighting's!

And when you you think of it.. your house or room must be what you feel comfortable in.. because somehow it is at the end your own place that you'll spend time in the most! or as i call it or most of us call it "my bubble" where you can escape whats all happening and chill in! you have to choose the colour you like! if you like funky flashy colours go for it! its your bubble.. if you are a classic basic white and beige person why not!? Now house are the good investment that you'll pay for and not regret! some invest in bags and shoes like the famous quote in Sex and the city “I like my money right where I can see it... hanging in my closet.”- Carrie Bradshaw! and some will pay and invest in their crib!

What type of houses you like? or whats your dream house or room looks like? modern and edgy? or like a classic Beverly Hills mansion? 

LOL! i would never dare and walk on that!

my fav!

I'd throw a pool party every day and night!

screaaaams LUXURY!

Classic white.. classy & peaceful!

modern and edgy! LOVE!

loooove it!


WOW! moh'd would love this!

1 comment:

  1. love the pics and the content. thanks, i'm looking for ideas with a new home.:)


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