Thursday, March 24, 2011

such a long day!

Hi every one.. how are u guys?! with all that drama in college and projects and deadlines.. i managed to survive this week! I've been busy writing hundreds or reports and all that s**t! today was long.. its just weird! alot of things happened in one day! some was unexpected some was totally expected , like the Elizabeth Taylor death!! like seriously who expected that?!  i also met 2 of my very old and close Friends who i haven't seen in ages! it felt sooo good! no matter what u'll always go back and see your old school friends.. right?! i've been also missing my brother mansour so bad because he moved to Abu dhabi! i hate it! i used to get depressed if he left Al Ain for a weekend.. imagine now i don't see him for weeks!! now on the bright side this weekend gonna be another family reunion weekend.. lets hope it wont turn into a "Kardashian or the Hills drama" weekend! and its baby Aljohara's birthdaaaay!! which means BALLOOOOONSSS AND CAAAAAAAKE!!!! that's it for tonight and see ya next time! :* 

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